Fireside Chat – Episode 15 – EMS and Cushings Supplements

EMS and Cushings Supplements

In Episode 15 of the Grand Meadows Fireside Chat Video Series, we wanted to talk about two of the issues affecting horses a great deal these days – Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and Cushings. At Grand Meadows, we believe that the growing problems with these two diseases can be directly attributed, in many cases, to […]

Prebiotics and Probiotics—A typo or Is There a Real Difference?

In recent years digestion has leapt several places up the ladder in terms of horse owner’s concerns leading to all kinds of new products and marketing gimmicks to drive customers to a particular brand e.g., FREE colic insurance for all! If we tried to go address all the different elements affecting digestion in one blog […]

Fireside Chat Video 11 – Digestion – Wrap Up

Grand Meadows Fireside Chat - Episode 11 - Digestion Wrap Up

In our final episode on the digestive system we wanted to break down how different supplement products address the three key segments of the digestive system and to also try to explain from our perspective the differences between prebiotics and probiotics. We have received a lot of questions through the episodes dealing with the digestive […]