Learn the facts on horse calming supplements Horse calming supplements may help horses who are nervous, agitated, or on-edge feel more at-ease, focused, and confident. Horse calmers use specialized formulas with ingredients including magnesium, thiamine, theanine, valerian, chamomile, and vervain. These horse calmer ingredients may support your horse’s nervous system, contributing to a happier and […]
Learn about common senior horse health concerns and what you need to know Horses are living longer and enjoying a high quality of life as they age. Gone are the days when a 15-year-old horse was old! Now horses are living into their 20’s and 30’s. This is fantastic – but what does this mean […]
You love your horse and want the very best for them. Along with paying attention to their hoof and coat health, staying on top of their nutrition and hydration, you also need to be ready for any surprise injuries, accidents, and wounds. Having a horse first aid kit and understanding the basics of horse health […]
Know the real facts on how to care for your horse in the winter To blanket or not to blanket? How do horses feel the cold? Do horses need more water in the winter? Horses don’t need as much food in the winter – yes or no? These are just some of the winter horse […]
Learn why we had to raise our prices We want you to understand why prices for everything – groceries, gas, horse care, and household goods are increasing. You’ve likely read articles about the supply chain and the global shortage of products and materials. Well, this shortage is affecting businesses like ours. And this is […]