Fireside Chat Video 4 – Glucosamine and Chondroitin – The Yin and Yang of Joint Supplements or Maybe Not

Glucosamine and Chondroitin - Yin and Yang of Horse Joint Supplements?

So this is the second of two videos, both of which address myths and realities of various joint support ingredients. I am hoping that, because of the rather critical way I have written about a couple of them, we can engender some comments or questions. I am trying with the videos to cover each topic as broadly as possible. There are 4 digestion videos for example, but I know that there lots of specific issues that may be missed, so I would encourage you to send questions or comments – perhaps how much you like the roaring fireplace behind me in the videos. It is my hope that  by hearing your questions and comments about various issues, we can transmit those answers to a broader audience.

Next blockbuster video deals with Hylauronic Acid and MSM I hope you will watch it and share.

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Fireside Chat Video 3 – Joints? Or Oh My God Where Do I Even Start?

Fireside Chat Video 3 - Joints or Oh My God Where Do I Start?

In our introduction to Joints, a supplement category serviced by a bewildering array of products now numbering in excess of 300, we discuss the physiology of the joint and the way problems can start to occur. How does the mammalian joint work and what are the functions of the various elements? In looking at this incredibly saturated marketplace, where every company’s products are the best for one reason or another according to the their particular marketing strategy. We start to try to define a practical approach to providing nutritional support for the hardworking joints of horses, which are being subjected to stress far beyond what they had naturally evolved to endure. Continue reading

Injections??  Oral Joint Supplementing?   How can I afford to do both?? !!

Using both oral and injectable joint support can certainly get expensive.  However, this is absolutely the most comprehensive approach to delivering maximum joint health for severe joint problems.   Good news is,  Grand Premium Plus is very affordable – with the highest level of joint ingredients and half the price of any leading brand!

No worries, now you can afford both!

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There Just Aren’t Enough Joint Supplements

We constantly reflect on the fact that there just aren’t enough joint supplements on the market, don’t manufacturers care about this important area? How can we possibly care for our horses when there are only about 200 products out there? More importantly each one is the best, so there has to be room for more products that are the best. I do have to hand it to SmartPak Smart Supplements who are at least trying with 16 joint supplements. Continue reading

Joint Support: Keeping Your Horse’s Joints Happy & Healthy

This is a guest post from Dr. Mark Olsen, DVM

Whether you have a backyard companion or an international competitor, you’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and effort to keep your horse in optimum health for peak performance. Horses are natural-born athletes, yet we ask them to do a lot that their bodies weren’t built for. Training and competing in any discipline demands much more of our horses’ joints and bodies.

Circles, lateral moves, slide stops, pivoting and jumping are among the activities that can increase your horse’s risk for developing a wide range of problems. The right joint supplement for horses is critical to reducing the risk of these problems. It can help protect your investment and, equally important, keep your horse comfortable while doing all that you ask of him; now and for the long-haul. Continue reading