Winter Helpers For Your Horse

How Do Horse Supplements Work With Forage?

by Nikki Alvin-Smith  While in some parts of the country the weather stays equitable and seasons come and go almost unnoticed, in many regions the marked changes of weather that come along with winter can pose challenges for the care and management of horses. Here are a few ideas on winter helpers for your horse […]

Loving My Horses Means Getting With The Program

Minimize the Risk of Equine Metabolic Issues

by Nikki Alvin-Smith    The dynamic factor in a horse’s microbiome is an impossible variable to ascertain at this time in the stall side scientific research realm. Knowing what works in all aspects of care and training for each individual horse in your own private yard is hard enough. But when you add in trying […]

When Your Horse Reaches Critical Mass To Succeed, Should You Keep Him There?

by Nikki Alvin-Smith Training horses for competition is a lifestyle that requires significant fortitude for those of us keen enough to follow through working with performance equines from birth to finish.  During bad times, it can feel as if endless strife is required to achieve even small step by step goals. When good days happen, […]

How Can You Minimize the Risk of Equine Metabolic Issues Returning To Haunt Your Horse?

by Nikki Alvin-Smith If you own a horse that has suffered in the past with metabolic health issues and is seemingly recovered, then you are probably feeling a bit down about how to find a meaningful and affordable way to mitigate the chance of repeat incidents. Flare ups of equine health concerns such as laminitis, […]