Dear Valued Customer,
While we strive to manage costs wherever possible and to minimize any price increase to our customers, we find it necessary to make an adjustment to our shipping prices, effective August 1. This adjustment is necessary due to the crippling increases in gas prices across the country and companies, such as UPS, that use gas as a big part of their operations and are disproportionately affected as well.
In recent months we have absorbed multiple price increases from UPS, and it has unfortunately become a big problem for us, which ultimately has forced us to increase our shipping prices to at least try to stop the bleeding. Although we have never used shipping as a source of revenue, currently on average and even with negotiated rates, we are paying at least 50% more than we are charging for shipping.
Example: A 25 lb. box shipped from California to Pennsylvania costs us $46.10, while we are currently charging $18.95 for shipping.
Our intention is not to raise shipping costs to match our costs, but to make modest adjustments to try to offset these very significant ongoing and growing shipping costs.
We value your business and appreciate your loyalty and trust in Grand Meadows products. These upward adjustments are necessary for Grand Meadows to continue to be a viable supplier to our industry and provide high quality products.

Nick Hartog